Credit Cards to be More Secure Now But is your Personal Data Secure?

After Shouting and advocating for Chip & Pin cards for more than two years in various National TV Channels and demonstrating loop holes and easy cloning process of currently employed Magnetic strip debit and credit cards, finally RBI has woken now and has asked banks to change the Cards technology to embed Chips & make entering of pin number compulsory by June 2013.
One more thing i have advocating further that is sharing of client/customer data by bank to its subsidiaries or different legal entities like credit card division is blatant violation of Indian Cyber Law aka The IT Act,2000. Banks can be hammered with crores of rupees in damages and compensation for the very act. Every Bank customer should know this that if bank has to share his data with other legal entity then Bank should take (written/email/electronic) permission.


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