Police Closure Report in Cyber Crime cases
Police Closure Reports after investigation in cyber crime cases : 1. Art 21 of the Constitution guarantees fundamental right to life and personal liberty. This article of Constitution has been interpreted by the Judiciary with widest amplitude so as to include several other rights such as right to food and shelter, and other rights and most importantly the right to fair trial which includes the right to fair investigation. In Anbaizhagan’s case, the apex court observed that, ‘if the criminal trial is not free and fair and not free from bias the judicial fairness and the criminal justice system would be at stake, shaking the confidence of the public in the system and woe would be the rule of law’, 1 Trial should be fair to all concerned and ‘denial of fair trial is as much an injustice to the accused as is to the victim and the society. 2 2. The right to fair trial includes ‘Fair Investigation’, 3 Fair trial and fair investigation are pre-requisites to get justice which the parties de...