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State of Maharashtra Versus Ogeuri Emmanual Chinaso & ors
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1st November 2019 the legal seed of Balkanisation of Internet is sowed, a controversial new law took effect in Russia: The so-called "sovereign internet" law, which mandates the creation of an independent internet for Russia, thus creating an island in the cyber space. Is it for availability of Internet during the times of cyber threats or is it for exerting sovereignty at the cost of censoring the Internet remains to be seen. . It was hardly a surprise when the Iranian government also had announced in May that it has installed a cyberdefense shield and wants to construct “halal Internet”. This germ is in the heads of France and Canada too and China has the infamous great firewall doing its fencing already.
Allegedly State sponsored Hackers from North Korean government have developed a new strain of malware that has been used to record and steal data from cards inserted into ATM machines in India.
Further analysis of the malware by the Moscow-based cybersecurity firm found the samples to be part of a bigger remote access trojan (RAT) called DTrack.
Calling it a spy tool to attack financial institutions and research centers in India, the experts said the malware strains shared “similarities with the DarkSeoul campaign, dating back to 2013 and attributed to the Lazarus group.”
The DTrack RAT was detected as recently as this month, the researchers noted.
The threat actors behind DTrack obfuscated their malicious code in an innocuous executable file that was protected behind encryption barriers in a dropper used to install the malware.
Aside from disguising itself as a harmless process, the malware can perform a number of operations such as:
The collected data was then archived as a password-protected file that’s either saved to the disk or sent to a command-and-control server.
Classifying ATMDTrack as a subset of the DTrack family, the researchers said the developers behind the two malware strains are the “same group of people.”
Given the sophistication of the modus operandi, it’s recommended that target organizations beef up their network and password policies and monitor network traffic for any suspicious behaviour.
The kaspersky report also says the vast amount of DTrack samples that they found shows that the Lazarus group is one of the most active APT groups in terms of malware development, And they see that this group uses similar tools to perform both financially-motivated and pure espionage attacks.
I feel Banks need to go extra mile for searching and weeding out this malware from the ATM’s . ATM have come out as the last mile vulnerability in Indian banking industry due to usage of vulnerable OS and lack of physical security.
FIR - What is? The first information report is a report giving information of the commission of a cognizable crime, which may be made by t...