What GOOGLE knows about YOU ?
What does Google know about YOU? Did you know that unlike searching , when you search on Google, they ? That means they know every search you’ve ever done on Google. That alone is pretty scary, but it’s just the shallow end of the that they try to collect on people. What most people don’t realize is that even if you don’t use any Google products directly, they’re still trying to track as much as they can about you. Google trackers have been found on . This means they're also trying to track most everywhere you go on the internet, trying to slurp up your browsing history! Most people also don’t know that Google runs most of the ads you see across the internet and in apps – you know those ones that follow you around everywhere? Yup, that’s Google, too. They aren’t really a search company anymore – they’re a tracking company. They are tracking as much as they can for these annoying and intrusive ads, including recording every time you see them, where you saw them, if you clicked...