What is Solvency Certificate ? How to obtain it?
Solvency Certificate Introduction : The solvency certificate is required for seeking admission in Govt. Medical and st1:place>Engineering Colleges. It is also required for Court matters, like obtaining bails. The certificate is required as a document of surety by various Govt. and semi-Govt. offices. The solvency certificate is issued on the basis of the documents showing ownership of flats/lands in Mumbai City. Under What Act/Rules/Govt. orders the Certificate is issued : Govt. of Maharashtra, Revenue and Forests Deptt. Letter No.MMC/1072/196859/G-2/ dt. 2.11.72 Whom to apply : Collector of Mumbai City (Survey Branch),Old Custom House, Shahid Bhagatsingh Marg, Fort, Mumbai 400 001. How to apply :Application to be made in the prescribed form Affix Court Fee Stamp of Rs.5/- on the application What documents to attach : Xerox copy of Agreement of ownership Flats/shops situated in Mumbai City District duly attested ...